Thanks for the diamond. Now what?
Using Conway’s Law for good
My OpenSSL warrant canary
Communities Manager at the OpenSSL Foundation
Building a Lord of the Rings keyboard
Supporting pop-up communities
Running multiple Discourse sites on a single server
The proper role of shame
BoardGameGeek: Building a community platform
Why I recommend Discourse
Standing up for each other
Introducing my community consulting business
Stack Overflow: Building a community platform
Bias: Conscious and unconscious
Community managers are conflicted advocates: Stack Overflow lost a good one in Catija
Find the Jack
If more users could vote, would they engage more?
Rewriting a Git repository: Dealing with distribution
Stack Overflow’s strike is over: But its problems persist
Stack Overflow’s CEO doesn’t understand Stack Overflow
Why AI is a problem on Stack Overflow
The data dump diversion
What Stack Overflow is telling employees about the strike
How’s the Stack Overflow strike going?
Why I’m signing the Stack Overflow strike letter
Moderation by humans
Beware of low-hanging fruit
Stack Exchange moderator strike
Why conflict is inevitable
Glassdoor review of Stack Overflow: Management feudalism means your mileage may vary
How’s business at Stack Overflow?
Remote work isn’t a mistake
ChatGPT can code: How terrifying is this development?
Community Insights: Communities are like reservoirs
Sharing an Outlook calendar with GCal
What emojis are most popular?
Importing a remote database archive
Working on a Discourse theme: Setting up your environment
Registration and retention
My year at EDB
Community as meta-product
Crypto Cards: Rules
The mystery of the missing Oracle Cloud IP
Docs 2.0: The beginning of a beautiful friendship
Docs 2.0: An overnight success 15 months in the making
Docs 2.0: Everyone can contribute
Solving Agricola: Family Edition
A comprehensive guide to investing: The condensed version
A day in Reserve
Rewriting a Git repository: How we stopped making everything worse
Prototyping with shell scripts
Rewriting a Git repository: Unlimited growth (in a bad way)
Starting a new community
Installing PostgreSQL the hard way
I’m joining EDB as a Developer Advocate
Reading the tea leaves at Stack Overflow
Finding a community manager job in 2021
Hosting Discourse for free!
How are minds changed?
Ask not what a community is worth . . .
My year at College Confidential
Creating Discourse permalinks with shell commands
Wisdom scaled
My answer about using preferred pronouns
Star Realms’ leveling system
Ignoring others for community peace
Moderating on Discourse
How to simplify Google Form attendance taking
Tinkering with my blog as procrastination
Responding to reader mail
Reacting with ‘thanks’
Managing mistakes
Does the 2020 survey show Stack Overflow made progress on its welcoming initiative?
The Power of Story
Netlify as a hosting option
Heroku as a hosting option: Or how to avoid lock-in
My one-sided retrospective of Stack Overflow’s pronoun affair
Sourdough and the art of tending a culture
College Confidential’s costly theme
Remote Communication: A Field Guide
Accountability culture
Parable of the rose garden
Misunderstanding Meta
An account of my meeting with the Stack Overflow management team
2019 in Review
Why I left Stack Overflow
Control and Agency
Unicorn Meta Zoo #9: How do we handle problem users?
Unicorn Meta Zoo #8: What does leadership look like in our communities?
Unicorn Meta Zoo #7: Interview with Nicolas
Unicorn Meta Zoo #6: Interview with Catija
Unicorn Meta Zoo #5: Interview with Cesar M
The value of Disneyland’s mission
Adios to Unfriendly Badges! Ahoy, Lifejacket and Lifeboat—Stack Overflow Blog
Unicorn Meta Zoo #4: What makes for a healthy community?
Unicorn Meta Zoo #3: How do we grade questions?
The meristocracy theory of community
Master of my own domain
What is a Community Product Manager?
Unicorn Meta Zoo #2: What is the role of moderators?
The Token Economy of Stack Overflow
Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?
Why are answer rates dropping?
The Tony the Pony problem
If 95%+ of comments have been rated as "fine", does the site deserve its reputation of "unwelcoming"? Do we still need to focus on it?
Chaos, lost trust, grief and restoration
What does constructive criticism of a design change look like?
Steam comments
What can we do to encourage (or discourage) a second question?
How Stack Overflow for Teams Fits into the Community—Stack Overflow Blog
Is Stack Overflow really racist/sexist?
Does Stack Exchange really want to conflate newbies with women/people of color?
The Puppet Race: Asking a question and getting comments
Stack Exchange 2017 in Review
The Puppet Race: Learning Ruby by Writing Documentation
Why are there so many bad questions?
The Puppet Race: Documentation was no PED
Sunsetting Documentation
The Puppet Race: Get set
The Puppet Race: On your mark
Why don't we keep public records of suspensions?
Stack Exchange Year in Review 2016
What, exactly, is Documentation?
Why do people answer questions on Stack Overflow?
How to conduct hallway usability tests without any hallways.
Building a customer support system: Automated responses
Fair Elections and STV
If at first you don’t succeed . . .
Stack Exchange Year in Review 2015
My Adventure with Late Answers
How to vacation like a community manager.
Empathetic criticism
How can we make the most of our upcoming site self evaluations?
Computer Science and women
Building a customer support system: Adding a honeypot
Building a customer support system: Tickets are people too
The yolk’s on us
Building a customer support system: Training
Building a customer support system: Moving from email to Zendesk
Thought experiment: What would happen if we didn’t have close votes?
So long Winter Bash 2014
Winter Bash 2014—Stack Overflow Blog
How do weekly topic challenges work?
What is Stack Overflow’s goal?
How big is the Fastest Gun in the West bias?
Hide trivial comments
Please welcome Jon Ericson, Community Manager—Stack Overflow Blog
How can we encourage small beta sites to grow?
My 1999 Chevy S-10 pickup
The problem with extrinsic motivation
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